All for Science™Field TestsMatter and Energy in Ecosystems

Matter and Energy in Ecosystems

Matter and Energy in Ecosystems
Authentic Literacy and Language (ALL) for Science

Recommended for Grade 5

This complete and integrated 15-day teaching unit on how matter and energy are cycled in natural environments follows the Authentic Literacy and Language (ALL) for Science curriculum framework that promotes science sense-making and language sense-making through three aligned components:

Where does matter go when it seems to “disappear”? The phenomenon of natural decomposition is used in this 15 -day unit to explore the science behind the transfer of energy and cycling of matter between consumers and the environment. Children will apply what they learn about how nature processes its’ leftovers to create models for different ways of diverting food waste so that the organic matter and its stored energy can be used by other living things.
Please refer to the “Before the Unit Begins” document for information on ordering algae and preparing for the unit.

  • Welcome and Timeline

    Getting Started

    Thank you for participating in the BCM curriculum field test! Your contributions will help us refine a developmentally appropriate, inquiry-based science instructional unit centered around plant adaptations.

    If you have any questions about the field test, please email us at

    NOTE: The field test requires 15 consecutive classroom days (3 weeks) and can be conducted any time between February 18 and June 6, 2025.



    • DOWNLOAD ATTENDANCE SHEET: This PDF will be used to keep track of your children’s ID numbers and participation in each day of the unit.
    • ID NUMBERS FOR YOUR CHILDREN (to protect identities):
      • Assign each child an ID number and record on the Attendance PDF.
      • Give each child a set of stickers with their ID number
        • If using numbers 1-30, we have provided pre-printed stickers in your materials
        • If using other numbers, there are blank stickers in your materials
      • Sticker #1 should go on the front of each child’s science journal so they can remember to include it on all other forms.


    • SURVEYMONKEY PRETEST: You have a personalized URL for all online assessments for this project. Please DO NOT use another teachers’ links! These are specifically for your class.
      • Give your students the pretest. Make sure students record their ID numbers (NO NAMES!) at the beginning of the test.
      • Read the questions to them if you need to, but do not answer any questions. Let them know they will find out the answers over the next few weeks! Record the date on the Form Return Packing Slip (front pocket of binder).


    • DAILY – TEACHER LOGS: Complete the project log for each day (URL BELOW). Please try to complete the log on the same day as the lesson, as it may be difficult to remember the information otherwise.
    • WEEKLY – STUDENT REPORTS: At the end of each project week, students should complete a short reflection page – the Weekly Reports. These paper sheets will be in your materials kit.
      • Make sure students use their Scientist ID number on each report
        • Stickers for paper forms (in your materials)


    • POSTTESTS: Once all of the project days are completed, give your students the posttest using your personalized link.
      • Please make sure students use their Scientist ID number on the top of the test.


    • UPLOAD PROCESS: You will use the secure BCM Box Upload link to return all PDF and/or scanned images of your paper forms.
      • ATTENDANCE SHEET: Please remove (delete, redact or cut off) student name column from the form.
      • CULMINATING PROJECTS: Please redact student names and identifying information and return scanned copies of the student projects**.**
      • WEEKLY REPORTS: Upload all student weekly reports.

    STEP 6 – POST-EVALUATION: The link to the project post-evaluation will be on the website in late April. Please do not complete the post-evaluation until AFTER you have completed all field test lessons.


    1. Return the following forms to BCM with ID numbers included:
      • Scientist ID and Attendance Sheet with student names removed
      • Student Pretests (SurveyMonkey)
      • Student Week One Reports
      • Student Week Two Reports
      • Student Week Three Reports
      • Students’ culminating project books with names and identifying information (e.g., school name, address), removed.
      • Student Posttests (SurveyMonkey)
    2. Complete all 15 Daily Logs (see project website)
    3. Complete the project post-evaluation (link will be on project site in early May 2025).
  • Unit Overview

    Matter and Energy in Ecosystems
    Authentic Literacy and Language (ALL) for Science

    Recommended for Grade 5

    This complete and integrated 15-day teaching unit on how matter and energy are cycled in natural environments follows the Authentic Literacy and Language (ALL) for Science curriculum framework that promotes science sense-making and language sense-making through three aligned components:

    Where does matter go when it seems to “disappear”? The phenomenon of natural decomposition is used in this 15 -day unit to explore the science behind the transfer of energy and cycling of matter between consumers and the environment. Children will apply what they learn about how nature processes its’ leftovers to create models for different ways of diverting food waste so that the organic matter and its stored energy can be used by other living things.
    Please refer to the “Before the Unit Begins” document for information on ordering algae and preparing for the unit.

  • Before the Unit Begins

    Welcome to Matter and Energy in Ecosystems. We have prepared several documents to help you organize this three-week unit, and we encourage you to read over them before you begin teaching the unit. The documents below can be found in the “Before the Unit Begins” section. Any additional supporting materials (including anchor charts and printable or downloadable files) referenced in a lesson can be found in the “Supporting Files” section for that day’s lesson.

    • The Pacing Chart provides a daily overview of the mini-lessons, inquiry circles, science Investigation, and the applicable standards.
    • The “Lessons at a Glance” document provides a snapshot of the materials you will need to prepare for each day. The full instructions for setup are in each day’s lessons. We highly recommend that you read over each day’s lesson ahead of time.
    • The Science Language section contains science language picture cards and an alphabetical list of the science language for this unit. We encourage educators to use new science language in context as it is introduced in each day’s lesson. The teacher will need to print color copies of the picture cards before Day 1 so that they are ready for introduction with each lesson. The picture cards are also suitable for building reference-word walls to meet all learners’ needs.
    • The “Food Waste Resources” spreadsheet lists text and media resources for the inquiry children will conduct. This spreadsheet is available in the “Before the Unit Begins” section.


    • Each science investigation contains Background Information for the Teacher. This is provided for the teacher’s reference only and is not intended to be taught as part of the lesson, as some of the information may be above the grade level of your learners.
    • Throughout the unit, children will work in scientific teams and assume scientific roles (with specific duties) within these teams. Suggestions for how to create teams are included in the Day 1 lesson.
    • Winogradsky Columns. Bacteria and other microorganisms we cannot see play a critical role in the decomposition of organic matter. However, a traditional Winogradsky column takes a long time to stratify. For this reason, we have chosen a modified version that will allow learners to observe physical change in a shorter amount of time and provide evidence of the existence of these unseen decomposers.
    • The modified Winogradsky columns, hereafter referred to as “bottles,” will need to be prepared 3 days ahead of time. We suggest setting them up on a Friday so that the bottles are ready for introduction to the class on a Tuesday.
    • IMPORTANT: The teacher should not reveal how the bottles were made or what they contain until Day 7, allowing learners to make inferences about what is happening.
    • On Day 6, the Elaborate section of the Guided Science Investigationincludes instructions for making and using a red cabbage indicator to test for the presence of carbon dioxide. For convenience during field testing, we have provided pH indicator strips for testing (however, you are welcome to make and use a red cabbage indicator if preferred).

    Elaborate (modified for the use of pH indicator strips)

    1. How do we know it was carbon dioxide?Tell learners they will use the pH indicator strips to test for the presence of carbon dioxide.
    2. Explain that the strip will turn bright or dark pink in the presence of acids. Some examples of acids learners are familiar with include lemon juice and vinegar. Carbon dioxide becomes a weak acid in water, and the pH strip will “indicate” if carbon dioxide is present.
    3. Model how to dip the pH indicator strip for into a cup for a few seconds, then pull it out and watch for any changes .
    4. Ask teams to test each of their cups with a different strip. What happens to the strips? (The pH strip dipped into the cup with sugar will turn pink, providing evidence of the presence of carbon dioxide.)
    5. Do you see any evidence that indicates microorganisms may be living in our bottles? Accept responses. (Presence of bubbles.)




  • Daily Activities

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