All for Science™Curriculum UnitsPlant Traits: Inherited and AcquiredDay 7: What Other External Factors Affect Plants?

Day 7: What Other External Factors Affect Plants?

"Castelldefels windswept tree" by Jordi Armengol (Xip) is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
"Castelldefels windswept tree" by Jordi Armengol (Xip) is licensed under CC BY 2.0.


Reading Strategy:

Learning how to synthesize information.

Science Concept:

The force of gravity on Earth pulls plant roots in a downward orientation. This response to gravity is called gravitropism.

Reading TEKS:


Science TEKS:

2024–25: 4.1D





Science and Literacy Connection:

Scientists synthesize what they have read by other scientists with what they already know and put that information together in a new way.

Science Language:

  • Observation is carefully looking at something or someone to gather information.   
  • Using models in science helps us to make pictures in our minds about things that might be otherwise difficult to understand. 
  • The radicle is the first part of the seedling to emerge from the seed. It will become the root system as the plant grows. 
  • Gravity is the force that pulls objects toward Earth. 
  • Microgravity is a very weak or reduced force of gravity. It causes the condition of weightlessness in space. 

  • Mini-Lesson


    Scientists put together new information about the world every day. Before they conduct their own investigations, scientists read lots of texts written by other scientists about their work. Scientists “synthesize” what they read with what they already know and put that information together in a new way. “Synthesis” means making something new by putting things together.  


    Today, you will model how to write a synthesis statement using the shared inquiry question and apple trees as a model plant. Teams will then write a synthesis statement for each inquiry question on their Inquiry Chart by combining (synthesizing) the findings in each column.   


    Note: You are encouraged to create the “Synthesizing” anchor chart with your learners as you move through the lesson, using the provided anchor chart as a model. Post it for easy reference when completed and remind learners to refer to the anchor charts during inquiry circles.  

    Materials for the Mini-Lesson:

    Teacher needs:  

    • chart paper  
    • marker(s)  
    • “Synthesizing” anchor chart as a model  
    • informational texts to model with (see the “Agricultural Plant Resources” spreadsheet for ideas)  


    Each italicized statement below contains suggested wording the teacher may choose to use for the lesson; additional teacher actions and considerations are in parentheses.   


    Tell what the strategy is (declarative knowledge)   

    1. Today we will practice synthesizing our evidence from multiple sources. We will combine information from all of our sources and create our own, new information. This is different from restating what other scientists have written. When I write a synthesis statement, I combine my evidence from multiple sources with my own knowledge, and state the information in a new way.  


    Tell when and why to use the strategy (conditional knowledge)  

    1. I write synthesis statements because other scientists expect me to show that I have read scientific writing about my topic, but they also expect me to write in my own words. I also synthesize my resources because it helps me construct a deeper and broader meaning about my topic. As a strategic reader and writer, I synthesize to make sense of lots of information. I write a synthesis statement when I find information from different books, online resources, experts, and videos.   


    Tell how to use the strategy (procedural knowledge)    

    1. The first thing I will do is look at my Inquiry Chart and think about what was important from each source. I’ll do that as I consider each of my inquiry questions.   
    1. Then I will compare and contrast the important information from each of the sources.  
    1. Next, I check that all of my information fits together in a way that makes sense. If the information across sources is similar, I often do not need to do anything. If my sources contradict or disagree with each other, I need to stop and try to evaluate the claims or statements the authors are making.  
    1. Now, I need to think about what I know about this important information and if I can add something from my own knowledge that the authors did not mention directly. I will be careful to include only my knowledge that is factual and that matches what I have read in the writing of other scientists. I will not include opinions or information that I have heard someone in my life say. If what I know is in agreement with what other scientists are saying, I can include it in my synthesis statement.   
    1. Finally, I write a synthesis statement that combines evidence from my sources and my own factual knowledge.   


    You might present the following as a model synthesis statement as part of this mini-lesson:   

    (Explain that their synthesis statements will focus on the plant or type of plant that they have been learning about and should include information related to the concepts the unit has focused on):   


    My questions was: What are the traits (both inherited and acquired) of apple trees? I found that  

    • Apple trees have thick, fibrous roots. 
    • Apple trees have woody stems that we often call trunks and branches.  
    • Apple trees are flowering plants, and the flowers develop into apples when pollinated.  
    • Apples can be scarred or discolored by diseases and too much direct sunlight.  
    • Insects often eat apples, which makes the apple inedible for humans.  
    • Freezing weather can injure an apple tree’s trunk.  


    Model synthesis statement: Apple trees have inherited traits that include fibrous roots, trunks, branches, and flowers. Over an apple tree’s lifetime, diseases, weather, and insects can damage parts of the apple tree, resulting in acquired traits. 

  • Inquiry Circles


    Teams will write synthesis statements for each inquiry question on their Inquiry Charts. You may need to make adjustments for teams who are still working to complete their Inquiry Charts.  

    Materials for the Inquiry Circles:

    Each team member needs:  

    • science notebook  
    • pencil  


    Each team needs:  

    • team Inquiry Chart  


    Each italicized statement below contains suggested wording the teacher may choose to use for the lesson; additional teacher actions and considerations are in parentheses.   


    Before Inquiry Circles   

    1. It is time to get into our inquiry circles. You will be with the same team as yesterday, but we will rotate the science roles. (Assign roles at your discretion and have the Equipment Directors gather the Inquiry Chart for their team).  
    1. We have answered all (or most) of our Inquiry Chart questions. Today we will write our synthesis statements, so we need to be sure we have completed the Inquiry Chart. (Make adjustments for teams that have not yet completed their Inquiry Charts.)   
    1. Now, inquiry teams will work together on their synthesis statements.  


    During Inquiry Circles (20 minutes)    

    1. When all questions are answered on your Inquiry Chart, your team will work together to write a synthesis statement for each one of your inquiry questions.   
    1. When writing your synthesis statements, remember to synthesize all the information in the column under each question. You probably have information from multiple sources as well as some information from your own knowledge.  
    1. As you work to write your synthesis statements, remember the synthesis statement from our mini-lesson today. (Refer to the written statement.)  
    1. Choose one inquiry question at a time and write a synthesis statement as a team. (You might also give teams the option to divide up the inquiry questions and have each team member write one synthesis statement. Facilitate in a way that works best for your learners.)  
    1. Write your synthesis statements in your science notebooks.  
    1. Do not forget to use the anchor charts to help guide your thinking. (Refer to the posted anchor charts.)  
    1. I will help guide the inquiry circles, but I expect you to work as a team to solve your problems together. (While teams are working, walk around the room to facilitate as needed.)  


    After Inquiry Circles (10 minutes)   

    1. As we conclude our inquiry circles for today, each team’s Lab Director will lead the discussion about today’s results. Was the team able to synthesize the questions on their inquiry chart? What problems did the team encounter? How did the team resolve those problems? (After you have allowed the teams to gather their thoughts, have the Data Scientist share with the class.)  
    1. The Data Scientists will now share with the entire class one of their team’s synthesis statements. (Encourage teams to share how they developed their synthesis statements. If you saw a great example in action, encourage that team to share with the entire class.) 
  • Guided Science Investigation


    Learners play a timed game to identify acquired plant traits caused by external factors.



    How do external factors affect inherited traits in plants?



    In addition to these environmental considerations covered in Day 2, there are other external factors that can impact plants and vegetation, including animal and human activity, and extreme weather events, such as flooding, snow and ice storms, heat waves, droughts, and wildfires. Extreme weather events have a direct impact on inherited plant structures and their functions. In this lesson, learners will engage in a timed game to test their skills in identifying acquired traits that are the result of these kinds of external factors.

    Materials for the Guided Science Investigation:

    Each team member needs: 

    • science notebook 
    • pencil 
    • Root Data Log 


    Each team needs: 

    • access to the “ISS Light Flight 1” PPT  


    Teacher needs: 

    • “ISS Light Flight 1” PPT 



    1. It’s game time! Today we’ll test your skills of observation and what you’ve learned about traits as you play for points using a special timed slideshow. The slideshow contains images of plants and vegetation that have been affected by external factors, such as weather events, or animal and human activity.
    2. Distribute a “Justify!” page to each team. Review the page together, instructing learners to work together within their teams to find any acquired traits in each image. Suggest they work quietly so that other teams cannot hear their discussion.
    3. Let teams know they have 30 seconds to make their observations on each image. (Teacher can user a timer or set timing on the PowerPoint presentation.)
    4. Add that they will earn 2 points for each acquired trait they identify. However, they also have to justify their answers to get the points—in other words, they need to explain why it is an acquired trait.
    5. Ask if there are any questions before beginning the slideshow.



    1. When ready, begin the PowerPoint slideshow. Move between the teams and listen for their responses, but make no suggestions.
    2. Remind them to include all team members in the discussion.
    3. At the end of the slideshow, have everyone put their pencils away, letting them know they cannot add any more to their observations.



    1. Explain that you will now show each image again and give each team a chance to share the acquired traits they found, along with their justification. If a team gets both the observation and justification correct, they will earn 2 points.
    2. However, let them know that another team can challenge their answer. For example, if a team misidentifies an inherited trait as acquired or if the justification is incorrect or insufficient, another team may challenge the answer (trait identification and/or justification) and provide the correct answer for 2 points (the results of the challenge will be at the discretion of the teacher).
    3. Allow enough time for teams to explain their observations and justifications for each image, as well as any challenges. Be sure to keep a tally of points earned.



    1. Conclude the lesson by sharing information from the “Justify!” answer key.
    2. Highlight any spot-on observations or challenges you heard and offer clarification if needed to correct any misunderstandings.



    1. During their discussions, did learners communicate a reasonable understanding of the acquired traits they observed in the images?
    2. Did learners make reasonable justifications?
    3. Are learners correctly using new science language in their communications (verbally or in writing)?
  • Expanded Standards

    Reading TEKS:

    4.6H: Synthesize information to create new understanding.


    4.LS1-1: Construct an argument with evidence, data, and/or a model.


    RI.4.9: Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.

    Science TEKS:

    2024-25: 4.1E: Collect observations and measurements as evidence. 

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