Praying Mantis

Classification: Insect
Groups can be encouraged to choose animals of different classes (reptiles, amphibians, mammals, etc.).
E-books and some videos are available free-of-charge for teachers via a one-time subscription at the Epic! website.
Consider using websites like SafeShare.TV and ViewPure to remove ads from websites.
Insect Predators
Interactive website containing information about the Praying Mantis as a hunter.
Praying Mantis
Fast facts about the insect. [Contains ads.]
Praying Mantis
Rich profile that includes facts, additional information and videos about this unique animal.
Praying Mantis Bug Facts
Fun facts and more about the Praying Mantis.
Praying Mantis: I'm a Creepy Crawly
Animated episode featuring a Praying Mantis. (YouTube)
Portal Texts
Manuelo, the Playing Mantis
by Don Freeman
My Awesome Summer by P. Mantis (A Nature Diary)
by Paul Meisel
Research Books
Mysterious Mantises (World of Bugs)
by Greg Roza
Praying Mantis (21st Century Junior Library: Creepy Crawly Critters)
by Tamra Orr
Praying Mantis (Living Things)
by Rebecca Stefoff
Praying Mantises
by Larry Dane Brimner
Praying Mantises (Animal Cannibals)
by Sam Hesper
Praying Mantises (Hungry Insect Heroes)
by Sandra Markle
E-books on
Mantis (Xtreme Insects)
by S. L. Hamilton
Praying Mantis
by Tamra B. Orr
Praying Mantises
by Megan Borgert-Spaniol
Praying Mantises
by Colleen Sexton