
Classification: Amphibian
Groups can be encouraged to choose animals of different classes (reptiles, amphibians, mammals, etc.).
E-books and some videos are available free-of-charge for teachers via a one-time subscription at the Epic! website.
Consider using websites like SafeShare.TV and ViewPure to remove ads from websites.
American Bullfrog
Fun facts about this curious amphibian. [Contains ads.]
American Bullfrog
Students can read a description of the American Bullfrog.
American Bullfrog
Profile of the American Bullfrog with photos, scientific name, habitat, life span, diet and more.
Provides information about the many different frogs of Texas and other reptile groups found in the state.
Frogs and Toads
Interactive website featuring a variety of topics, including the differences between frogs and toads.
Bullfrog (0:40)
Students can watch video footage of the American Bullfrog.
Bullfrogs Eat Everything (2:18)
Video footage of American Bullfrogs eating various prey.
Frog or Toad? (5:08)
In this animated video, students can learn to tell the difference between frogs and toads by looking at physical characteristics.
Students can learn about the habitat, diet, and physical characteristics of frogs.
Portal Texts
by Jennifer Sattler
by David Wiesner
Research Books
A Frog’s Life
by Nancy Dickmann
by Gail Gibbons
Frogs (Amazing Animals)
by Valerie Bodden
Frogs (Explore My World)
by Marfe Ferguson Delano
Frogs (In My Backyard)
by Lindsy O'Brien
Frogs! (National Geographic Readers)
by Elizabeth Carney
Tadpoles and Frogs (Kingfisher Readers L1)
by Thea Feldman
E-books on
Bullfrogs (My First Animal Library)
by Martha E.H. Rustad
by Lindsy O'Brien
Frogs (Explore My World)
by Marfe Ferguson Delano
Frogs (Backyard Wildlife)
by Emily Green
Frogs! (National Geographic Readers)
by Elizabeth Carney
Tadpoles to Frogs
by Bobbie Kalman
Virtual Field Trips
Cloudbridge Nature Reserve
Schedule a virtual field trip with Cloudbridge Nature Reserve! Topics aren’t limited to frogs; researchers can show students other animals they have collected or talk about important environmental issues. Video conferences with students are available (1/2 hour to 1-hour increments).
Skype a Scientist
Scientist: Dr. Jonathan Kolby
Register to schedule a Skype session with Dr. Jonathan Kolby, who studies amphibians and works for herpetological conservation.
Skype a Scientist matches over 2000+ scientists with classrooms around the world! Scientists skype into your classroom for 30–60-minute Q&A sessions that can cover the scientist’s expertise or what it’s like to be a scientist. Multiple topics are available.