
Classification: Mammal
Groups can be encouraged to choose animals of different classes (reptiles, amphibians, mammals, etc.).
E-books and some videos are available free-of-charge for teachers via a one-time subscription at the Epic! website.
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Interactive website with facts about bats.
Giant Fruit Bat or Flying Fox
Quick facts about giant fruit bats.
Top 10 Bat Facts
Scroll through a series of beautiful images of and read facts about different kinds of bats.
Vampire Bat
Truths and myths about vampire bats.
All About Bats!
Learn all about different kinds of bats, what they eat, how they sleep, and how they use echolocation!
Bats: Creatures of the Night
Watch three million bats fly out of Bracken Cave as you learn cool facts about bats!
Portal Texts
by Janell Cannon
Research Books
by Gail Gibbons
Bats (Amazing Animals)
by Kate Riggs
Bats: Biggest! Littlest!
by Sandra Markle
It's a Good Thing There are Bats
by Joanne Mattern
E-books on
by Roger Generazzo
Bats (Amazing Animals)
by Kate Riggs
Bats (Backyard Wildlife)
by Kari Schuetz
Bats (National Geographic Readers)
by Elizabeth Carney
Brown Bats (North American Animals)
by Christina Leaf
Creepy But Cool Bats
by Tracy Nelson Maurer
What is a Bat? (The Science of Living Things)
by Bobbie Kalman
Virtual Field Trips
Bat World Sanctuary
Day-to-day activities of volunteers are featured in a virtual tour; a bat cam page is available for viewing.
Skype a Scientist
Scientists: Elaine Barr and Alyson Brokaw
Schedule a skype session with Elaine Barr or Alyson Brokaw, who both study bats!
Skype A Scientist matches over 2000+ scientists with classrooms around the world! Scientists skype into your classroom for 30–60-minute Q&A sessions that can cover the scientist’s expertise or what it’s like to be a scientist. Multiple topics are available.