All for Science™Curriculum UnitsPlant Traits: Inherited and AcquiredDay 4: Setting Up an Investigation

Day 4: Setting Up an Investigation


Reading Strategy:

Drawing conclusions from informational texts.

Science Concept:

An inherited trait can be changed or modified in response to its environment.

Reading TEKS:


Science TEKS:

2024–25: 4.13B


3-LS3-2; 4-LS1-1A



Science and Literacy Connection:

Scientists draw conclusions while they are reading informational texts and also when they are conducting an investigation.

Science Language:

  • A trait is an observable characteristic such as eye color, feathers, or the shape of leaves. 
  • Inherited traits are passed down from parents to their offspring. 
  • Acquired traits are the result of interactions with the environment that occur during the lifetime of an organism.  
  • Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards the Earth. The force of gravity on Earth is what keeps everything on the surface of our planet. 
  • Microgravity means that the force of gravity is very small or reduced. 
  • A testable question is connected to a specific science concept and can be answered by conducting an investigation or experiment.     
  • A scientific investigation is a plan for finding answers to questions and solving problems.    
  • A scientific variable is something (a factor or condition) that can change or potentially change in a scientific investigation.  

  • Mini-Lesson


    The vast majority of our day as humans is spent drawing conclusions about the world around us. In this mini-lesson, the teacher may use the following to introduce learners to the way people might draw conclusions from available information: 


    “If I were to stand in front of you and cross my arms like this [model] with this expression on my face [scowl], you might draw the conclusion that I’m unhappy with something, even though I don’t tell you that directly. When you drew that conclusion, you were using what you see (my expressions) with what you know (you’ve seen someone cross their arms before) to conclude how I might be feeling.  

    ‘When at work, scientists draw conclusions, too. For example, when they are conducting an investigation, one of the final steps they do is to draw a conclusion. Their conclusions are grounded in what they see (the data they collect) and what they know about what they see. “Scientists are not as quick to ‘jump to a conclusion’ as you were when you tried to interpret my feelings just now; rather, their conclusions come only after careful and systematic data collection and interpretation.   

    “Just as they do in hands-on investigations, scientists draw conclusions while reading information text. And, while “conclusions” are the final part of a scientists’ report on their investigation, I draw conclusions on a regular basis as a reader.”  

    Note: You are encouraged to create the “Drawing Conclusions in Informational Text” anchor chart with your learners as you move through the lesson, using the provided anchor chart as a model. Post it for easy reference when completed and remind learners to refer to the anchor charts during inquiry circles.  

    Materials for the Mini-Lesson:

    Teacher needs: 

    • chart paper  
    • marker(s)  
    • “Drawing Conclusions from Informational Text” anchor chart as a model  
    • informational text about agricultural plants to model the strategy (see “Agricultural Plant Resources” spreadsheet for ideas)  


    Each italicized statement below contains suggested wording the teacher may choose to use for the lesson; additional teacher actions and considerations are in parentheses.   


    Tell what the strategy is (declarative knowledge)    

    1. This strategy is called “drawing conclusions from informational texts.” It is really reading between the lines and trying to understand a point that isn’t directly stated in a text. Drawing a conclusion is a type of inference.  

    Tell when and why to use the strategy (conditional knowledge)  

    1. Drawing conclusions is an important strategy to know because authors can’t possibly give me all the information I need to know while I am reading. Can you imagine how long a website or book would be if the author wrote everything I possibly might need to know to understand their text? They often leave out information and make me “read between the lines”; that’s called drawing a conclusion. For example, if authors leave out the main idea of a paragraph, I have to infer or draw a conclusion to decide what the main idea is. Other times, authors use a word that I may not be familiar with, but through the surrounding words, I can conclude the meaning of the unfamiliar word.  
    1. As a strategic reader I do this often, sometimes after each paragraph or section in the text I am reading, and sometimes after each sentence. I do this because it makes my reading clear and helps me remember what I read.   

    Tell how to use the strategy (procedural knowledge)  

    1. The first thing I do as I’m reading is to be actively aware of whether the author is making overt statements about my topic or if the author is leaving things out and requiring me to infer or draw a conclusion. If the information I need is stated, I don’t need to draw a conclusion. If it’s not, then I do this:  
    • First, I pay attention to the details the author gives me in the text. 
    • Next, I think about the author’s intentions (what the author wants me to know).  
    • Then, I combine what I already know, the details from the text, and the author’s intentions to draw a conclusion.  
    1. If the conclusion I’ve drawn answers one of my inquiry questions, I jot it down in my own words on my Inquiry Chart in my own words.  


    Model the strategy 

    What are the characteristics of the common apple tree? Learn more about the characteristics of the common apple tree here:  


    1. Let’s practice using our new strategy. On the website above, the author writes, “The apple trees that we know today all originated from one single ancestor tree that was found growing in the mountains of Kazakhstan, Malus sieversii. This single apple tree ancestor is responsible for the domestication of apple trees which is said to have begun over 10,000 years ago.” I think one of the conclusions the author wants me to draw from this statement is that there are many different types of apple trees. I know this because the author says, “The apple trees [see the plural word, trees] that we know today all [meaning more than one] . . .” making me think there’s more than one type of apple tree. I can confirm my conclusion through the last sentence of that same paragraph: “Today, there are over 7,500 different cultivars of apple trees.” I concluded correctly—there is more than one type of apple tree. 
    1. Later the author writes, “Apple trees are not self-compatible, and so they must be cross-pollinated in order to develop fruit.” I don’t recognize the word, “self-compatible,” but by the way it’s used in this sentence, I can conclude that it means “self-pollinating”; I think this because the author uses the word, “cross-pollinated” which I know is pollination by another tree.  


    You might also want to model adding information in your own words to the model Inquiry Chart.   


  • Inquiry Circles


    Scientists often work in teams when conducting inquiry and investigations. Today, we will work in inquiry circles to investigate different questions about agricultural plants. Prior to starting the inquiry circle work, be sure to have texts and technology available for your learners. As children begin working, you may have some teams working online while others are working with traditional texts. This will depend on your access to technology and texts.  

    Materials for the Inquiry Circles:

    Each team needs:  

    • team Inquiry Chart  
    • pencils  
    • access to informational texts/media   


    Teacher needs: 

    • “Agricultural Plant Resources” spreadsheet for ideas  


    Each italicized statement below contains suggested wording the teacher may choose to use for the lesson; additional teacher actions and considerations are in parentheses.   



    Before Inquiry Circles   

    1. It is time to get into our inquiry circle teams. You will be with the same team as yesterday, but we will rotate the science roles. (Assign roles at your discretion and have the Equipment Directors gather the Inquiry Chart for their team).  
    1. You are already familiar with the Inquiry Chart and your inquiry questions. Today we will answer more questions or add additional information to a question you’ve already answered.  
    1. Keep in mind that you might develop new questions as you are working today. If your team develops a new question, add it to your Inquiry Chart as a new column.   
    1. As you look for answers to your questions, you will practice your roles as scientists. As scientists, you will make sure to record your findings and your sources carefully on your Inquiry Chart.  


    During Inquiry Circles (20 minutes)    

    1. Today you will use a different book, website, or video to find answers to the question you’re investigating about your plant or add information to a question you’ve already answered. (You may want to show or project a blank sample Inquiry Chart or your model Inquiry Chart. Also, you may choose to be more explicit for your class and only allow them to answer one question at a time daily. Use your judgement on the level of guidance, especially in the first few days.   
    1. We have anchor charts to help guide your thinking. Do not forget to use them while working. (Refer to the “Drawing Conclusions from Informational Text” anchor chart and the other anchor charts already introduced. Remind learners that they can use any of the reading strategies taught so far.)   
    1. The Lead Scientist will guide all inquiries for the day by picking which question(s) will be answered. The Data Scientist will record on the team Inquiry Chart all source information and the answers to your inquiry questions.   
    1. Remember, it is important to record on your Inquiry Chart where you found the information (source). You will need to carefully keep track of your because you will create a list of your sources at the end of your inquiry. (Point out to learners where sources are located on the Inquiry Chart and how one source may answer multiple questions. Remind your learners to record the title, author, publisher, and year of publication for all sources. Remind your learners to record the URL for websites and videos.)    
    1. Everyone should help find the answers to the questions online and in texts. (Remind learners how the Inquiry Chart will organize their progress.)  
    1. My role is to help guide the inquiry circles, but I expect you to work as a science team to solve your problems together. (While teams are working, walk around the room to facilitate as needed.)  


    After Inquiry Circles (10 minutes)   

    1. As we conclude our inquiry circles for today, each team will have a chance to share the information they found related to their questions, what they accomplished, and what literacy strategies they used. The Lab Director will lead the discussion about today’s results. What has the team learned about its agricultural plant? What problems did the team encounter? How did the team resolve those problems? Did the team use a reading strategy? Which one and how did it help? What new questions does the team have? (After you have allowed the teams to gather their thoughts, have the Data Scientist share with the class. Try to encourage teams to share a variety of things—you do not want just facts about plants, just reading strategies, or just cooperative learning strategies.)    
    1. (After all learners have shared, thank them for their hard work, and point out any excellent behaviors that you observed. If you saw an outstanding example of using a reading strategy or collaborative work, explicitly point it out. If you notice any problems in the teams during the lessons, take a moment to point them out, and explain your expectations for all future inquiry circles. Collect all Inquiry Charts or have learners put them in their normal classroom place for ongoing work so they can easily access them.) 
  • Guided Science Investigation


    Teams set up their investigations to observe how different amounts of rainfall may affect plants.



    How might seeds respond to different amounts of water during germination? How might our investigation allow us to observe inherited and acquired traits in our plants?



    The germination of seeds (growing from seeds into seedlings or young plants) begins with a stage called imbibition, when seeds absorb water to begin the growth process. Too little or too much water affects seed germination. Other important factors also play a role in successful germination: temperature, which affects growth rate and metabolism; and the availability of oxygen for respiration. For this investigation, teams will consider only the role of water.

    It is expected that the investigations and daily observations will span a time- period of 5 days. However, it is okay if a weekend falls in the middle of the investigation since they will only add water in the beginning.

    Materials for the Guided Science Investigation:

    Each team member needs: 

    • science notebook 
    • pencil 
    • copy of the Root Data Log 


    Each team needs: 

    • bag of materials to set up an investigation (prepared by the teacher) 


    Teacher needs: 

    • image of the International Space Station 
    • Wisconsin Fast Plant seeds 
    • resealable sandwich bags 
    • resealable gallon bags 
    • cardboard  
    • white paper towels 
    • clear tape 
    • spray bottles with water 
    • copies of the “Seed Growth Chamber Set-Up” directions  
    • copies of the Root Data Log 



    1. Announce that today teams will set up their investigations to observe the response of a plant seed to the amount of water it receives.
    2. Let them know that water is essential for seed germination, the process of a seed growing into a seedling or young plant. In the first stage of germination, the seed needs water to be able to carry out all of the functions required for growth. Add that teams will learn more about this process in the next class. Today is all about setting up the investigations.
    3. Ask if the teams have a plan for who is going to do each part of the setup. If not, allow a few minutes for them to decide. Remind them to consult the printed setup instructions as needed.



    1. Have the Equipment Directors collect a tray or container with the materials their team need for the setup. Point out the designated area where you have set up the lighting for the investigation and tell teams they will be placing their cups there for the duration of the investigation.
    2. When ready, project the “Planting the Seeds” video, stopping as needed to emphasize points. Then, run the video again, with stops, allow the children to follow along as they set up their investigations. Remind teams to pay close attention to the instructions in the video and to refer to the written instructions as needed.
    3. When teams are ready to place the seeds into the sponges, the teacher should distribute them by hand to each team. Teams may place 2 seeds in each sponge.
    4. When the setup is complete, ask teams to make their first observation of the seeds and record these on the “Investigation Data” page; ask them to include a drawing of what the seeds look like in addition to describing them in words.
    5. Remind teams that they will be making daily observations of their seeds and will use the “Investigation Data” page to describe what they are seeing, both through drawings and words.
    6. Encourage teams to decide who will be responsible for drawings and notes on their “Investigation Data page,” suggesting that they take turns.
    7. As teams complete their setups and observations, direct them to the area you have prepared where they will set their investigations under the lights. Ensure that teams have arranged their cups in the correct order (least water to the most, L–R) and have labeled them with an identifying sticky note (team name or number).
    8. Explain that teams will take turns during the next 5 days to make their observations, but it is important not to move the cups from their positions. Also, they will not add any more water to the cups after the setup.



    1. Remind the children that inherited traits are passed down from parent to offspring—these are traits that offspring are born with. They should expect to see similar traits in their seedlings since the seeds are all Wisconsin Fast Plants. However, let them know that the seedlings will be tiny since they are only growing for 5 days or so.
    2. Ask them to consider how the amounts of water they used might affect the seeds and then turn and share their ideas with a partner on their team.
    3. Let them know they will learn more about how seeds become seedlings in the next class.



    1. Did learners start with a plan and work cooperatively to complete their setups?
    2. Were any new questions raised about how seeds become plants?
  • Expanded Standards

    Reading TEKS:

    4.6F: Make inferences and use evidence to support understanding.


    3-LS3-2: Use evidence to support the explanation that traits can be influenced by the environment. 4-LS1-1A: Plants and animals have both internal and external structures that serve various functions in growth, survival, behavior, and reproduction.


    RI.4.1: Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

    Science TEKS:

    2024-25: 4.13B: Differentiate between inherited and acquired physical traits of organisms.  

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